主题 : 12月7日 10-11赛季NBA常规赛 雄鹿VS热火 CCTV国语 RMVB 961MB【QQ+115+BT】
级别: 超级版主

0  发表于: 2010-12-07 11:00

12月7日 10-11赛季NBA常规赛 雄鹿VS热火 CCTV国语 RMVB 961MB【QQ+115+BT】

管理提醒: 本帖被 付四 执行取消置顶操作(2010-12-09)



解说:刘星宇 苏群





上半场:QQ     115
下半场:QQ     115
[ 此帖被付四在2010-12-09 09:59重新编辑 ]
级别: 小小球童
1  发表于: 2010-12-09 09:45

Rising behind one of them was a third hill

Rising behind one of them was a third hill,Stainless steel coil
Rising behind one of them was a third hill
Silver sent Dick to fetch the rum,zen cart template, then Israel said something to the cook in Textile fabrics a low voice, and I #x heard only a word or two .But they were important words:‘Not another man will join.’So there were still some honest men on board.I looked up and saw the moon had risen. At the same time ,the voice of one of the crew shouted:‘ Land!’
There was the sound of many feet running across the deck. I quickly got out of Textile fabrics the barrel and was in time to join Hunter and Dr Livesey and the rest,Stainless steel sheet, at the side of the ship.
Away to the south-west,we saw two hills. Rising behind one of them was a third Textile fabrics hill, even higher ,and with its top still hid-den in fog. Captain Smollett gave orders ,and the Hispaniola turned so that the ship would sail #x just clear of the island on the east.

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