主题 : 9月10日 女足世界杯  德国VS阿根廷  英语 H264 200M【HTTP下载】
级别: 版块版主
0  发表于: 2007-09-11 08:52

9月10日 女足世界杯  德国VS阿根廷  英语 H264 200M【HTTP下载】

管理提醒: 本帖被 付四 执行加亮操作(2007-09-12)
Here is the first match of the Women's World Cup. I don't have the bandwidth to spare right now, so I made the files small and posted them to RapidShare. The videos are small, but still watchable even at full screen, thanks to H.264's performance at low bitrates.

I may do some of the marquee matches at a bit higher quality, but odds are I'll still post them to RapidShare rather than torrent'ing them up.

Quality: OK (analog cable TV source)
Language: US English
Size: 200 MiB
Video: 195 kbps H.264
Audio: 64 kbps AAC, stereo
Resolution: 384x288
Aspect Ratio: 4:3 (not widescreen)
Source: ESPN2 (USA) (analog cable TV; ticker cropped)
Download: 上半场
Download: 下半场

级别: 替补球员
1  发表于: 2007-09-11 09:54
