主题 : 12月28日 11-12赛季NBA常规赛 热火VS凯尔特人 卫视体育国语 RMVB 980MB【Xunlei+115+BT】
级别: 小小球童
980  发表于: 2011-12-28 16:13

级别: 小小球童
981  发表于: 2011-12-28 16:14

级别: 小小球童
982  发表于: 2011-12-28 16:17

级别: 替补球员
983  发表于: 2011-12-28 16:18

东部决赛哦 值得看
级别: 小小球童
984  发表于: 2011-12-28 16:19

级别: 替补球员
985  发表于: 2011-12-28 16:22

级别: 小小球童
986  发表于: 2011-12-28 16:23

级别: 小小球童
987  发表于: 2011-12-28 16:24

回 楼主(忘年) 的帖子

级别: 替补球员
988  发表于: 2011-12-28 16:24

EurekaLog 6.1.03

  1.1 Start Date      : Wed, 28 Dec 2011 16:25:12 +0800
  1.2 Name/Description: UDown.exe - (115优蛋)
  1.3 Version Number  :
  1.4 Parameters      :
  1.5 Compilation Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 20:49:49 +0800
  1.6 Up Time         : 44 seconds

  2.1 Date          : Wed, 28 Dec 2011 16:25:56 +0800
  2.2 Address       : 005BB157
  2.3 Module Name   : UDown.exe - (115优蛋)
  2.4 Module Version:
  2.5 Type          : EAccessViolation
  2.6 Message       : Access violation at address 005BB157 in module 'UDown.exe'. Read of address 000000A0.
  2.7 ID            : 1C81
  2.8 Count         : 1
  2.9 Status        : New
  2.10 Note         :

  3.1 ID        : BenQ
  3.2 Name      : BenQ
  3.3 Email     :
  3.4 Company   : BenQ
  3.5 Privileges: SeChangeNotifyPrivilege         - ON
                  SeSecurityPrivilege             - OFF
                  SeBackupPrivilege               - OFF
                  SeRestorePrivilege              - OFF
                  SeSystemtimePrivilege           - OFF
                  SeShutdownPrivilege             - OFF
                  SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege       - OFF
                  SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege        - OFF
                  SeDebugPrivilege                - ON
                  SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege    - OFF
                  SeSystemProfilePrivilege        - OFF
                  SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege - OFF
                  SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege - OFF
                  SeLoadDriverPrivilege           - ON
                  SeCreatePagefilePrivilege       - OFF
                  SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege        - OFF
                  SeUndockPrivilege               - ON
                  SeManageVolumePrivilege         - OFF
                  SeImpersonatePrivilege          - ON
                  SeCreateGlobalPrivilege         - ON

Active Controls:
  4.1 Form Class   : TNewTaskForm
  4.2 Form Text    : 新建下载任务
  4.3 Control Class: TGbLabelEdit
  4.4 Control Text :

  5.1 Name          : BENQ-PC
  5.2 Total Memory  : 382 Mb
  5.3 Free Memory   : 17 Mb
  5.4 Total Disk    : 13.97 Gb
  5.5 Free Disk     : 1.72 Gb
  5.6 System Up Time: 3 hours, 38 minutes, 12 seconds
  5.7 Processor     : Intel(R) Celeron(R) M CPU        520  @ 1.60GHz
  5.8 Display Mode  : 1280 x 800, 32 bit
  5.9 Display DPI   : 96
  5.10 Video Card   : ATI MOBILITY RADEON XPRESS 200 (driver 8.351.0.0 - RAM 128 MB)
  5.11 Printer      : Canon MP140 series Printer (driver

Operating System:
  6.1 Type    : Microsoft Windows XP
  6.2 Build # : 2600
  6.3 Update  : Service Pack 2
  6.4 Language: Chinese
  6.5 Charset : 134

  7.1 IP Address:
  7.2 Submask   :
  7.3 Gateway   :
  7.4 DNS 1     :
  7.5 DNS 2     :
  7.6 DHCP      : ON            

Call Stack Information:
|Address |Module      |Unit                     |Class                |Procedure/Method       |Line     |
|*Exception Thread: ID=1148; Priority=0; Class=; [Main]                                                 |
|005BB157|UDown.exe   |UDPClass.pas             |TUDP                 |SetProxyActive         |251[1]   |
|005BB154|UDown.exe   |UDPClass.pas             |TUDP                 |SetProxyActive         |250[0]   |
|00661547|UDown.exe   |DataModulefrm.pas        |TDM                  |SetProxyOption         |1631[20] |
|006614B8|UDown.exe   |DataModulefrm.pas        |TDM                  |SetProxyOption         |1611[0]  |
|0066143B|UDown.exe   |DataModulefrm.pas        |TDM                  |ResetConnectOption     |1585[7]  |
|006613FC|UDown.exe   |DataModulefrm.pas        |TDM                  |ResetConnectOption     |1578[0]  |
|006614AF|UDown.exe   |DataModulefrm.pas        |TDM                  |ResetOptionParam       |1603[1]  |
|006614AC|UDown.exe   |DataModulefrm.pas        |TDM                  |ResetOptionParam       |1602[0]  |
|00681948|UDown.exe   |MainForm.pas             |TUDownMainForm       |WMUpdateSetting        |1450[1]  |
|77D1F891|USER32.dll  |                         |                     |CallNextHookEx         |         |
|77D1BB05|USER32.dll  |                         |                     |GetPropW               |         |
|77D1BADB|USER32.dll  |                         |                     |GetPropW               |         |
|77D18A0B|USER32.dll  |                         |                     |DispatchMessageW       |         |
|77D18A01|USER32.dll  |                         |                     |DispatchMessageW       |         |
|0062F1AF|UDown.exe   |NewTask.pas              |                     |NewDownTask            |108[7]   |
|0062F15C|UDown.exe   |NewTask.pas              |                     |NewDownTask            |101[0]   |
|0065DAFC|UDown.exe   |DataModulefrm.pas        |TDM                  |AddDownTask            |394[33]  |
|0065D998|UDown.exe   |DataModulefrm.pas        |TDM                  |AddDownTask            |361[0]   |
|006805E0|UDown.exe   |MainForm.pas             |TUDownMainForm       |WMComMessage           |1064[45] |
|77D188D5|USER32.dll  |                         |                     |GetWindowLongW         |         |
|77D1F891|USER32.dll  |                         |                     |CallNextHookEx         |         |
|77D1BB05|USER32.dll  |                         |                     |GetPropW               |         |
|77D1BADB|USER32.dll  |                         |                     |GetPropW               |         |
|77D18A0B|USER32.dll  |                         |                     |DispatchMessageW       |         |
|77D18A01|USER32.dll  |                         |                     |DispatchMessageW       |         |
|0068BF32|UDown.exe   |UDown.dpr                |                     |                       |82[25]   |
|                                                                                                       |
|Running Thread: ID=2736; Priority=0; Class=TThreadTimer                                                |
|7C92D218|ntdll.dll   |                         |                     |NtDelayExecution       |         |
|7C80239C|kernel32.dll|                         |                     |SleepEx                |         |
|7C80244C|kernel32.dll|                         |                     |Sleep                  |         |
|7C802442|kernel32.dll|                         |                     |Sleep                  |         |
|005E40EA|UDown.exe   |uComonThread.pas         |                     |MySleep                |108[3]   |
|005E40D0|UDown.exe   |uComonThread.pas         |                     |MySleep                |105[0]   |
|005E418E|UDown.exe   |uComonThread.pas         |TThreadTimer         |Execute                |131[8]   |
|Calling Thread: ID=1148; Priority=0; Class=; [Main]                                                    |
|005E4251|UDown.exe   |uComonThread.pas         |TThreadTimer         |SetEnabled             |160[7]   |
|005E4240|UDown.exe   |uComonThread.pas         |TThreadTimer         |SetEnabled             |153[0]   |
|005E4F2A|UDown.exe   |DiskCacheClass.pas       |TWriteCacheMsg       |Create                 |367[9]   |
|005E4EB4|UDown.exe   |DiskCacheClass.pas       |TWriteCacheMsg       |Create                 |358[0]   |
|005E80B6|UDown.exe   |TaskManager.pas          |TTaskManager         |Create                 |716[32]  |
|0068BEDC|UDown.exe   |UDown.dpr                |                     |                       |76[19]   |
|                                                                                                       |
|Running Thread: ID=980; Priority=-1; Class=TShareFilesWorkThread                                       |
|7C92D218|ntdll.dll   |                         |                     |NtDelayExecution       |         |
|7C80239C|kernel32.dll|                         |                     |SleepEx                |         |
|7C80244C|kernel32.dll|                         |                     |Sleep                  |         |
|7C802442|kernel32.dll|                         |                     |Sleep                  |         |
|00619EFB|UDown.exe   |ShareFileManagerClass.pas|TShareFilesWorkThread|Execute                |852[9]   |
|Calling Thread: ID=1148; Priority=0; Class=; [Main]                                                    |
|00619626|UDown.exe   |ShareFileManagerClass.pas|TShareFilesManager   |ResumeShareThread      |559[3]   |
|00619614|UDown.exe   |ShareFileManagerClass.pas|TShareFilesManager   |ResumeShareThread      |556[0]   |
|00619655|UDown.exe   |ShareFileManagerClass.pas|TShareFilesManager   |SetActive              |581[7]   |
|00619644|UDown.exe   |ShareFileManagerClass.pas|TShareFilesManager   |SetActive              |574[0]   |
|0065ECE4|UDown.exe   |DataModulefrm.pas        |TDM                  |DataModuleCreate       |895[32]  |
|0068BEDC|UDown.exe   |UDown.dpr                |                     |                       |76[19]   |
|                                                                                                       |
|Running Thread: ID=3988; Priority=0; Class=TUDiskWebThread                                             |
|7C92DF58|ntdll.dll   |                         |                     |ZwWaitForSingleObject  |         |
|7C802540|kernel32.dll|                         |                     |WaitForSingleObjectEx  |         |
|7C80252D|kernel32.dll|                         |                     |WaitForSingleObject    |         |
|7C802520|kernel32.dll|                         |                     |WaitForSingleObject    |         |
|0063388B|UDown.exe   |UDiskWebManager.pas      |TUDiskWebThread      |Execute                |139[3]   |
|Calling Thread: ID=1148; Priority=0; Class=; [Main]                                                    |
|00633751|UDown.exe   |UDiskWebManager.pas      |TUDiskWebThread      |Create                 |106[6]   |
|00633710|UDown.exe   |UDiskWebManager.pas      |TUDiskWebThread      |Create                 |100[0]   |
|00633C17|UDown.exe   |UDiskWebManager.pas      |TUDiskWebManager     |Create                 |213[8]   |
|0067F371|UDown.exe   |MainForm.pas             |TUDownMainForm       |LoadForms              |662[11]  |
|0067F2F0|UDown.exe   |MainForm.pas             |TUDownMainForm       |LoadForms              |651[0]   |
|0067EE47|UDown.exe   |MainForm.pas             |TUDownMainForm       |FormCreate             |546[17]  |
|0068BEF4|UDown.exe   |UDown.dpr                |                     |                       |77[20]   |
|                                                                                                       |
|Running Thread: ID=2404; Priority=0; Class=TRefreshThread                                              |
|7C92DF58|ntdll.dll   |                         |                     |ZwWaitForSingleObject  |         |
|7C802540|kernel32.dll|                         |                     |WaitForSingleObjectEx  |         |
|7C80252D|kernel32.dll|                         |                     |WaitForSingleObject    |         |
|7C802520|kernel32.dll|                         |                     |WaitForSingleObject    |         |
|0066F622|UDown.exe   |DownForm.pas             |TRefreshThread       |Execute                |2810[109]|
|7C80A027|kernel32.dll|                         |                     |SetEvent               |         |
|Calling Thread: ID=1148; Priority=0; Class=; [Main]                                                    |
|0066E408|UDown.exe   |DownForm.pas             |TRefreshThread       |Create                 |2461[5]  |
|0066E3C4|UDown.exe   |DownForm.pas             |TRefreshThread       |Create                 |2456[0]  |
|0066A869|UDown.exe   |DownForm.pas             |TUDownForm           |FormCreate             |1385[29] |
|0067F3B7|UDown.exe   |MainForm.pas             |TUDownMainForm       |LoadForms              |669[18]  |
|0067F2F0|UDown.exe   |MainForm.pas             |TUDownMainForm       |LoadForms              |651[0]   |
|0067EE47|UDown.exe   |MainForm.pas             |TUDownMainForm       |FormCreate             |546[17]  |
|0068BEF4|UDown.exe   |UDown.dpr                |                     |                       |77[20]   |
|                                                                                                       |
|Running Thread: ID=4080; Priority=0; Class=TThreadEvent                                                |
|005E2758|UDown.exe   |pcre.pas                 |                     |                       |1144[0]  |
|005BCC5A|UDown.exe   |ThreadEventClass.pas     |TThreadEvent         |Execute                |32[3]    |
|Calling Thread: ID=1148; Priority=0; Class=; [Main]                                                    |
|0062F9E5|UDown.exe   |NewTask.pas              |TNewTaskForm         |CreateResolveUrl       |264[22]  |
|0062F920|UDown.exe   |NewTask.pas              |TNewTaskForm         |CreateResolveUrl       |242[0]   |
|0063018A|UDown.exe   |NewTask.pas              |TNewTaskForm         |edtSourceURLChange     |436[64]  |
|0062FE74|UDown.exe   |NewTask.pas              |TNewTaskForm         |edtSourceURLChange     |372[0]   |
|006307DB|UDown.exe   |NewTask.pas              |TNewTaskForm         |FormShow               |550[73]  |
|7C9210E0|ntdll.dll   |                         |                     |RtlLeaveCriticalSection|         |
|77D1CE93|USER32.dll  |                         |                     |MonitorFromWindow      |         |
|77D1CEA6|USER32.dll  |                         |                     |MonitorFromWindow      |         |
|0062F1AF|UDown.exe   |NewTask.pas              |                     |NewDownTask            |108[7]   |
|0062F15C|UDown.exe   |NewTask.pas              |                     |NewDownTask            |101[0]   |
|0065DAFC|UDown.exe   |DataModulefrm.pas        |TDM                  |AddDownTask            |394[33]  |
|0065D998|UDown.exe   |DataModulefrm.pas        |TDM                  |AddDownTask            |361[0]   |
|006805E0|UDown.exe   |MainForm.pas             |TUDownMainForm       |WMComMessage           |1064[45] |
|77D188D5|USER32.dll  |                         |                     |GetWindowLongW         |         |
|77D1F891|USER32.dll  |                         |                     |CallNextHookEx         |         |
|77D1BB05|USER32.dll  |                         |                     |GetPropW               |         |
|77D1BADB|USER32.dll  |                         |                     |GetPropW               |         |
|77D18A0B|USER32.dll  |                         |                     |DispatchMessageW       |         |
|77D18A01|USER32.dll  |                         |                     |DispatchMessageW       |         |
|0068BF32|UDown.exe   |UDown.dpr                |                     |                       |82[25]   |

Modules Information:
|Handle  |Name                              |Description                                      |Version         |Size   |Modified           |Path                                                                                                |
|00380000|Normaliz.dll                      |Unicode Normalization DLL                        |6.0.5441.0      |23552  |2009-01-07 18:20:36|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|00400000|UDown.exe                         |115优蛋                                          |       |4848680|2011-11-29 20:50:08|C:\Program Files\115\UDown                                                                          |
|008E0000|sqlite3.dll                       |                                                 |                |522752 |2011-07-01 15:32:28|C:\Program Files\115\UDown                                                                          |
|01C30000|safemon.dll                       |360安全卫士 网盾防护模块                         |      |370344 |2011-12-14 18:29:06|E:\Software\360safe\safemon                                                                         |
|01CB0000|kwsui.dll                         |Kingsoft Webshield Module                        |2011.12.1.2001  |481384 |2011-12-18 01:46:10|C:\Program Files\Kingsoft\Kingsoft Antivirus                                                        |
|01D50000|kswebshield.dll                   |Kingsoft Webshield Module                        |2011.12.22.30   |914024 |2011-12-26 19:45:50|C:\Program Files\Kingsoft\Kingsoft Antivirus                                                        |
|028D0000|Sync115Ext.dll                    |115同步盘Shell扩展                               |         |461352 |2011-10-21 10:43:18|C:\Documents and Settings\BenQ\Application Data\115\Box                                             |
|02A80000|kliveshellext.dll                 |KliveShellExt Module                             |     |460152 |2011-09-23 01:09:40|C:\Documents and Settings\BenQ\Application Data\Kingsoft\klive\bin                                  |
|02B20000|XmpDesktopTipsEx.|迅雷看看桌面快捷方式气泡                         |         |534128 |2011-08-04 16:50:38|C:\Program Files\Common Files\Thunder Network\KanKan                                                |
|02CE0000|cscui.dll                         |Client Side Caching UI                           |5.1.2600.2180   |501760 |2006-12-14 14:29:30|C:\WINDOWS\System32                                                                                 |
|10000000|115encrypt.dll                    |                                                 |                |105512 |2011-10-20 16:49:50|C:\Program Files\115\UDown                                                                          |
|16080000|mdnsNSP.dll                       |Bonjour Namespace Provider                       |         |94208  |2006-02-28 12:42:30|C:\Program Files\Bonjour                                                                            |
|1A400000|urlmon.dll                        |OLE32 Extensions for Win32                       |8.0.6001.18702  |1206784|2009-03-08 04:34:56|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|5ADC0000|uxtheme.dll                       |Microsoft UxTheme Library                        |6.0.2900.2180   |216064 |2006-10-30 21:42:36|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|5DCA0000|iertutil.dll                      |Run time utility for Internet Explorer           |8.0.6001.18702  |1985024|2009-03-08 04:32:22|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|5EFE0000|olepro32.dll                      |                                                 |5.1.2600.2180   |83456  |2006-12-14 14:29:30|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|5FDD0000|netapi32.dll                      |Net Win32 API DLL                                |5.1.2600.3462   |332800 |2008-10-16 00:59:32|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|60A20000|icm32.dll                         |Microsoft Color Management Module (CMM)          |5.1.2600.2709   |254976 |2005-06-29 09:49:56|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|60FD0000|hnetcfg.dll                       |Home Networking Configuration Manager            |5.1.2600.2180   |333824 |2006-12-14 14:29:30|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|62C20000|LPK.DLL                           |Language Pack                                    |5.1.2600.2180   |22016  |2006-12-14 14:29:30|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|63000000|wininet.dll                       |Internet Extensions for Win32                    |8.0.6001.18702  |914944 |2009-03-08 04:34:58|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|65700000|iNetSafe.dll                      |360安全卫士                                      |      |134752 |2011-10-25 14:23:42|E:\Software\360safe\safemon                                                                         |
|719C0000|mswsock.dll                       |Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider   |5.1.2600.3394   |240640 |2008-06-21 01:39:48|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|71A00000|wshtcpip.dll                      |Windows Sockets Helper DLL                       |5.1.2600.2180   |19968  |2006-12-14 14:29:30|C:\WINDOWS\System32                                                                                 |
|71A10000|WS2HELP.dll                       |Windows Socket 2.0 Helper for Windows NT         |5.1.2600.2180   |19968  |2006-12-14 14:29:30|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|71A20000|ws2_32.dll                        |Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL                    |5.1.2600.2180   |82944  |2006-12-14 14:29:30|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|71A40000|wsock32.dll                       |Windows Socket 32-Bit DLL                        |5.1.2600.2180   |28672  |2006-12-14 14:29:30|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|72240000|SENSAPI.DLL                       |SENS Connectivity API DLL                        |5.1.2600.2180   |6656   |2006-12-14 14:29:30|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|72F70000|WINSPOOL.DRV                      |Windows Spooler Driver                           |5.1.2600.2180   |145920 |2006-12-14 14:29:30|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|73640000|msctfime.ime                      |Microsoft Text Frame Work Service IME            |5.1.2600.3531   |177152 |2009-02-27 13:06:34|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|73AA0000|mscms.dll                         |Microsoft Color Matching System DLL              |5.1.2600.3396   |74240  |2008-06-25 00:22:28|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|73FA0000|USP10.dll                         |Uniscribe Unicode script processor               |1.420.2600.3698 |406528 |2010-07-15 21:37:06|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|74680000|MSCTF.dll                         |MSCTF Server DLL                                 |5.1.2600.3284   |300544 |2007-12-31 20:09:22|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|74BE0000|OLEACC.dll                        |Active Accessibility Core Component              |4.2.5406.0      |163328 |2006-12-14 14:29:30|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|74CC0000|wshbth.dll                        |Windows Sockets Helper DLL                       |5.1.2600.2180   |108032 |2006-12-14 14:29:30|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|75FF0000|MSVCP60.dll                       |Microsoft (R) C++ Runtime Library                |6.2.3104.0      |413696 |2006-12-14 14:29:30|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|76060000|SETUPAPI.dll                      |Windows Setup API                                |5.1.2600.2180   |1683456|2006-12-14 14:29:30|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|762F0000|msimg32.dll                       |GDIEXT Client DLL                                |5.1.2600.2180   |4608   |2006-12-14 14:29:30|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|76300000|IMM32.DLL                         |Windows XP IMM32 API Client DLL                  |5.1.2600.2180   |110080 |2006-12-14 14:29:30|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|76320000|comdlg32.dll                      |Common Dialogs DLL                               |6.0.2900.2180   |269312 |2006-12-14 14:29:30|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|76570000|CSCDLL.dll                        |Offline Network Agent                            |5.1.2600.2180   |99840  |2006-12-14 14:29:30|C:\WINDOWS\System32                                                                                 |
|765E0000|CRYPT32.dll                       |Crypto API32                                     |5.131.2600.3272 |591360 |2007-12-13 12:42:24|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|76760000|cryptdll.dll                      |Cryptography Manager                             |5.1.2600.2180   |33280  |2006-12-14 14:29:30|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|76990000|ole32.dll                         |Microsoft OLE for Windows                        |5.1.2600.2726   |1284608|2005-07-26 12:39:50|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|76B10000|winmm.dll                         |MCI API DLL                                      |5.1.2600.2180   |163840 |2006-12-14 14:29:30|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|76BC0000|PSAPI.DLL                         |Process Status Helper                            |5.1.2600.2180   |23040  |2006-12-14 14:29:30|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|76C00000|WINTRUST.dll                      |Microsoft Trust Verification APIs                |5.131.2600.2180 |175616 |2006-12-14 14:29:30|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|76C60000|IMAGEHLP.dll                      |Windows NT Image Helper                          |5.1.2600.2180   |144384 |2006-12-14 14:29:30|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|76D30000|Iphlpapi.dll                      |IP Helper API                                    |5.1.2600.2912   |94208  |2006-05-19 21:14:08|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|76D70000|appHelp.dll                       |Application Compatibility Client Library         |5.1.2600.2180   |126976 |2006-12-14 14:29:30|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|76DB0000|MSASN1.dll                        |ASN.1 Runtime APIs                               |5.1.2600.3624   |58880  |2009-09-05 04:45:22|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|76E50000|rtutils.dll                       |Routing Utilities                                |5.1.2600.2180   |44032  |2006-12-14 14:29:30|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|76E60000|rasman.dll                        |Remote Access Connection Manager                 |5.1.2600.2180   |61440  |2006-12-14 14:29:30|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|76E80000|TAPI32.dll                        |Microsoft(R) Windows(TM) Telephony API Client DLL|5.1.2600.2180   |181760 |2006-12-14 14:29:30|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|76EB0000|RASAPI32.dll                      |Remote Access API                                |5.1.2600.2180   |235520 |2006-12-14 14:29:30|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|76EF0000|DNSAPI.dll                        |DNS Client API DLL                               |5.1.2600.3394   |148992 |2008-06-20 23:09:48|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|76F30000|WLDAP32.dll                       |Win32 LDAP API DLL                               |5.1.2600.2180   |170496 |2006-12-14 14:29:30|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|76F80000|winrnr.dll                        |LDAP RnR Provider DLL                            |5.1.2600.2180   |16896  |2006-12-14 14:29:30|C:\WINDOWS\System32                                                                                 |
|76F90000|rasadhlp.dll                      |Remote Access AutoDial Helper                    |5.1.2600.2938   |8192   |2006-06-27 01:41:40|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|76FA0000|CLBCATQ.DLL                       |                                                 |2001.12.4414.308|498688 |2005-07-26 12:39:46|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|77020000|COMRes.dll                        |                                                 |2001.12.4414.258|615936 |2006-12-14 14:29:30|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|770F0000|oleaut32.dll                      |                                                 |5.1.2600.3266   |550912 |2007-12-05 02:40:02|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|77180000|comctl32.dll                      |User Experience Controls Library                 |6.0.2900.3744   |1054208|2010-08-23 23:42:08|C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.3744_x-ww_d9c64cc6|
|77BD0000|version.dll                       |Version Checking and File Installation Libraries |5.1.2600.2180   |18944  |2006-12-14 14:29:30|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|77BE0000|msvcrt.dll                        |Windows NT CRT DLL                               |7.0.2600.2180   |343040 |2006-12-14 14:29:30|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|77C40000|msv1_0.dll                        |Microsoft Authentication Package v1.0            |5.1.2600.3625   |136192 |2009-09-11 22:06:52|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|77D10000|USER32.dll                        |Windows XP USER API Client DLL                   |5.1.2600.3099   |573952 |2007-03-08 23:37:22|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|77DA0000|ADVAPI32.dll                      |Advanced Windows 32 Base API                     |5.1.2600.3520   |674304 |2009-02-09 18:19:00|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|77E50000|RPCRT4.dll                        |Remote Procedure Call Runtime                    |5.1.2600.3555   |584192 |2009-04-15 23:12:24|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|77EF0000|GDI32.dll                         |GDI Client DLL                                   |5.1.2600.3466   |283648 |2008-10-23 20:59:12|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|77F40000|SHLWAPI.dll                       |Shell Light-weight Utility Library               |6.0.2900.3698   |473088 |2010-04-16 23:35:14|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|77FC0000|Secur32.dll                       |Security Support Provider Interface              |5.1.2600.3592   |56320  |2009-06-25 16:18:02|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|7C800000|kernel32.dll                      |Windows NT BASE API Client DLL                   |5.1.2600.3541   |1146880|2009-03-21 22:19:00|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|7C920000|ntdll.dll                         |NT Layer DLL                                     |5.1.2600.3520   |598016 |2009-02-09 18:18:58|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|7D590000|shell32.dll                       |Windows Shell Common Dll                         |6.0.2900.3736   |8313344|2010-07-27 14:39:14|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |

Processes Information:
|ID  |Name                     |Description                            |Version        |Memory  |Priority|Threads|Path                                                               |
|4   |System                   |                                       |               |61440   |Normal  |60     |                                                                   |
|392 |FLVDownloader(xmlbar).exe|FlvDownload Module                     |        |10436608|Normal  |23     |C:\Program Files\Xmlbar\FLV Downloader                             |
|400 |Explorer.EXE             |Windows Explorer                       |6.0.2900.2180  |4399104 |Normal  |19     |C:\WINDOWS                                                         |
|464 |smss.exe                 |                                       |               |57344   |Normal  |3      |\SystemRoot\System32                                               |
|520 |csrss.exe                |                                       |               |2641920 |Normal  |12     |C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                |
|548 |winlogon.exe             |                                       |               |1646592 |High    |24     |C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                |
|592 |services.exe             |Services and Controller app            |5.1.2600.3520  |1024000 |Normal  |16     |C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                |
|604 |lsass.exe                |LSA Shell (Export Version)             |5.1.2600.2180  |1286144 |Normal  |18     |C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                |
|760 |svchost.exe              |Generic Host Process for Win32 Services|5.1.2600.2180  |602112  |Normal  |16     |C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                |
|836 |svchost.exe              |Generic Host Process for Win32 Services|5.1.2600.2180  |1024000 |Normal  |10     |C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                |
|876 |svchost.exe              |Generic Host Process for Win32 Services|5.1.2600.2180  |2768896 |Normal  |61     |C:\WINDOWS\System32                                                |
|952 |svchost.exe              |Generic Host Process for Win32 Services|5.1.2600.2180  |847872  |Normal  |6      |C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                |
|1028|alg.exe                  |Application Layer Gateway Service      |5.1.2600.2180  |118784  |Normal  |6      |C:\WINDOWS\System32                                                |
|1044|svchost.exe              |Generic Host Process for Win32 Services|5.1.2600.2180  |204800  |Normal  |12     |C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                |
|1084|zhudongfangyu.exe        |360主动防御服务模块                    |     |1204224 |Normal  |8      |E:\Software\360safe\deepscan                                       |
|1168|kxescore.exe             |金山毒霸系统防御模块                   |2011.10.11.1624|10518528|Normal  |132    |C:\Program Files\Kingsoft\Kingsoft Antivirus                       |
|1204|KSWebShield.exe          |金山网盾                               |2011.5.16.9    |73728   |Normal  |14     |C:\Program Files\Kingsoft\Kingsoft Internet Security 2008\webshield|
|1232|KSafeSvc.exe             |金山卫士服务程序                       |     |2125824 |Normal  |52     |C:\Program Files\Kingsoft\KSafe                                    |
|1632|spoolsv.exe              |Spooler SubSystem App                  |5.1.2600.2696  |909312  |Normal  |12     |C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                |
|1708|agrsmsvc.exe             |Agere Soft Modem Call Progress Service |        |69632   |Normal  |2      |C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                |
|1796|svchost.exe              |Generic Host Process for Win32 Services|5.1.2600.2180  |86016   |Normal  |5      |C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                |
|2192|360Tray.exe              |360安全卫士 木马防火墙模块             |     |8065024 |Normal  |42     |E:\Software\360safe\safemon                                        |
|2204|kxetray.exe              |金山毒霸2012                           |2011.12.15.19  |3559424 |Normal  |34     |C:\Program Files\Kingsoft\Kingsoft Antivirus                       |
|2212|KSafeTray.exe            |金山卫士实时保护模块                   |     |5259264 |Normal  |14     |C:\Program Files\Kingsoft\KSafe                                    |
|2360|UDown.exe                |115优蛋                                |      |35393536|Normal  |15     |C:\Program Files\115\UDown                                         |
|2448|ctfmon.exe               |CTF Loader                             |5.1.2600.2180  |471040  |Normal  |1      |C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                |
|3372|Maxthon.exe              |Maxthon Browser                        |    |86499328|Normal  |94     |E:\Software\Maxthon                                                |

Assembler Information:
; UDPClass.TUDP.SetProxyActive (Line=250 - Offset=0)
; --------------------------------------------------
005BB154  push    ebp
005BB155  mov     ebp, esp
; Line=251 - Offset=1
; -------------------
005BB157  cmp     dl, byte ptr [eax+$00A0]                 ; <-- EXCEPTION
005BB15D  jz      UDPClass.TUDP.SetProxyActive (Line=261)
; Line=253 - Offset=3
; -------------------
005BB15F  mov     ecx, edx
005BB161  mov     [eax+$00A0], cl
; Line=254 - Offset=4
; -------------------
005BB167  test    cl, cl
005BB169  jz      UDPClass.TUDP.SetProxyActive (Line=259)
; Line=256 - Offset=6
; -------------------
005BB16B  test    byte ptr [eax+$1C], $10
005BB16F  jnz     UDPClass.TUDP.SetProxyActive (Line=261)
; Line=257 - Offset=7
; -------------------
005BB171  call    UDPClass.TUDP.TestConnectToProxy
005BB176  jmp     UDPClass.TUDP.SetProxyActive (Line=261)
; Line=259 - Offset=9
; -------------------
005BB178  call    UDPClass.TUDP.FreeTcpSocket

EAX: 00000000   EDI: 0012F8B8
EBX: 01561370   ESI: 01561370
ECX: 0012F5E4   ESP: 0012F5F0
EDX: 00000000   EIP: 005BB157

Stack:               Memory Dump:
------------------   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
0012F5F0: 0012F61C 017EA250: 3A 90 A0 00 00 00 74 1E 8B CA 88 88 A0 00 00 00  :.....t.........
0012F5F4: 0066154C 017EA260: 84 C9 74 0D F6 40 1C 10 75 0C E8 AE 02 00 00 EB  [email protected].......
0012F5F8: 0012F640 017EA270: 05 E8 8F FF FF FF 5D C3 90 55 8B EC 83 C4 F8 53  ......]..U.....S
0012F5FC: 00406140 017EA280: 56 33 C9 89 4D F8 89 55 FC 8B D8 33 C0 55 68 0E  V3..M..U...3.Uh.
0012F600: 0012F61C 017EA290: B2 5B 00 64 FF 30 64 89 20 8B 43 4C 3B 45 FC 74  .[.d.0d. .CL;E.t
0012F604: 006B3FE8 017EA2A0: 50 6A 04 8D 45 FC 50 68 02 10 00 00 68 FF FF 00  Pj..E.Ph....h...
0012F608: 01561370 017EA2B0: 00 8B 43 40 50 E8 37 53 FF FF 8B F0 83 FE FF 75  [email protected]
0012F60C: 00000000 017EA2C0: 2A 8B C3 E8 01 0A 00 00 8D 4D F8 BA 28 B2 5B 00  *........M..(.[.
0012F610: 00000000 017EA2D0: 8B C6 E8 A2 FA FF FF 8B 4D F8 B2 01 A1 14 A8 5B  ........M......[
0012F614: 00000000 017EA2E0: 00 E8 F3 1C E6 FF E8 72 B0 E4 FF 8B 45 FC 89 43  .......r....E..C
0012F618: 00000000 017EA2F0: 4C 33 C0 5A 59 59 64 89 10 68 15 B2 5B 00 8D 45  L3.ZYYd..h..[..E
0012F61C: 0012F630 017EA300: F8 E8 77 C9 E4 FF C3 E9 AD AE E4 FF EB F0 5E 5B  ..w...........^[
0012F620: 00661440 017EA310: 59 59 5D C3 00 B0 04 02 00 FF FF FF FF 0E 00 00  YY].............
0012F624: 0012F8B8 017EA320: 00 53 00 65 00 74 00 52 00 65 00 63 00 76 00 42  .S.e.t.R.e.c.v.B
0012F628: 01826F40 017EA330: 00 75 00 66 00 53 00 69 00 7A 00 65 00 00 00 00  .u.f.S.i.z.e....
0012F62C: 006B3FE8 017EA340: 00 55 8B EC 83 C4 F8 53 56 33 C9 89 4D F8 89 55  .U.....SV3..M..U
级别: 小小球童
989  发表于: 2011-12-28 16:25