主题 : 5月11日 英超最后一轮 热刺VS利物浦 英语 ASF 337M【BT视频下载】
级别: 替补球员
0  发表于: 2008-05-12 09:21

5月11日 英超最后一轮 热刺VS利物浦 英语 ASF 337M【BT视频下载】

last resort it seems since no one else capped this!
capped from lfc.tv steam at 450kbps
total filesize is 337mb
widescreen .ASF 400 x 224
I use VLC to play .asf files in anyone is having trouble playing it

PS. had either a connection problem or a problem with my software hence why the 2nd half is in 3 parts, sorry about that, think you miss about 2.30 minutes of gameplay but nothing important in the game!

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