主题 : 贝克汉姆在曼联的日子(BYE BYE BECKS)英语【RapidShare】
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贝克汉姆在曼联的日子(BYE BYE BECKS)英语【RapidShare】

管理提醒: 本帖被 qq51099008 从 经典足球赛事下载 移动到本区(2013-03-17)

It’s the end of an era for the world's most famous footballer. David Beckham has worn the red shirt of United all his footballing life.

At the heart of their stunning success in recent years, Manchester United has always been in the hert of Becks
The fans knew they had a special talent in their ranks ever since he launce the ball from the halfway line against Wimbledon. Spectacular free-kicks and precision passing have become his trademarks for club and country.

He's emerged as a player of great character, from the despair of being sent off against Argentina, to cataining his country to the World Cup Finals four years later. 

级别: 小小球童
1  发表于: 2013-03-17 02:42