主题 : 3月12日 欧冠 曼联vs国际米兰 英语 WMV MB【HTTP视频下载】
级别: 版块版主
0  发表于: 2009-03-12 06:39

3月12日 欧冠 曼联vs国际米兰 英语 WMV MB【HTTP视频下载】


UEFA Champions League Round of 16, 2nd Leg: Manchester United vs. Internazionale, 3-11-2009, courtesy of ESPN 2. The cap starts 15 minutes into the match. I got off work at the 3:45pm EDT my time kickoff, and got home at 4pm. Unfortunately, a goal was scored during those first 14 minutes. For non-spoiling purposes, I won't disclose which team scored. Links below:

1st Half:


2nd Half:

级别: 替补球员
1  发表于: 2009-03-12 12:18
