查看完整版本: [-- 2000-01英超 纽卡斯尔VS桑德兰 英语 MP4 大小未知 【Mediafire】 --]

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红魔小强 2009-07-01 12:49
Newcastle v Sunderland - EPL - 2000-11-18 - English/mp4/http
In celebration of the Northeast England team who staved off relegation from the Premier League, and in (in)sincere mourning for the other 2 Northeast England teams that got dropped (enjoy the Fizzy Pop League!), I present this cap of one of the best Tyne-Wear derbies in recent memory. Haway!

Newcastle v Sunderland
18 November 2000
Premier League

Format: mp4
Data rate: ~2000 kbits/s
Size: 640x480
Source: VHS rip from Fox Sports World
Language: English

http://www.mediafire.com/?sharek ... 4dd5e55ba3f0fdf73e6

there are 30 rar parts to this match

Mirrors welcome!

查看完整版本: [-- 2000-01英超 纽卡斯尔VS桑德兰 英语 MP4 大小未知 【Mediafire】 --] [-- top --]

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